What Causes Bumps on Lips and How Do We Cure It? | Dofollow Social Bookmarking Sites 2016
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Pimple-like spots on the lips can be common, but they may also indicate more serious conditions. Causes of these bumps include oral thrush, syphilis, milia, mucoceles, hand, foot, and mouth disease, perioral dermatitis, and oral cancer. While some conditions resolve on their own, seeking dental support is recommended if the bumps persist or if symptoms like bleeding, swelling, or difficulties in breathing occur. Diagnosis involves physical examinations and tests like blood tests or imaging scans. Treatments vary based on the cause and may include antiviral or antifungal medications, antihistamines, pain relievers, and advanced techniques like electrosurgery or laser treatments. It's important to consult a dentist if the bumps persist or cause significant symptoms, and to maintain proper oral hygiene and self-care practices.

If you want to know home remedies for lip bumps please visit : https://www.lakshmedental.com/what-causes-bumps-on-lips-and-how-do-we-cure-it/


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